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How To Stay Active In Your Faith Life As A College Student


As college students, it seems to be busy most of the time! From homework to exams to applications, there is a lot to do in what feels like very little time. Often, it creates anxiety or stress for college students. Some find different ways to manage their own stress; but a relationship with God is the key; instead of finding it in parties or isolation, the Word of God and time in prayer and devotion will help make a positive change in one's own college journey! Here are five pieces of advice I want to share that has applied to me and has helped me, but can also help you and have been good strategies for others, from various resources or personal interactions that I have had. 

Join/Attend A Bible Study or Christian Organization

Whether you have been raised a Christian all of your life or are curious of what Christianity is about, joining a bible study will help to stay involved or start learning more about the faith life. Bible Studies are an opportunity to have an open discussion on the Bible and its teachings; it gives the chance for students to learn from others or ask questions that may be on their mind. Additionally, it is a great way to make friends. My own Bible Study, Collegians For Christ at the University of Michigan, is a relatively smaller group of people that meet weekly. Other organizations may be larger.


While I cannot speak for all groups, I do think a smaller group discussion can be beneficial, as it allows you to connect with people differently than being in a larger group, where it may be difficult to get to know others. Of course, every person will have a different view on this. Larger groups can be beneficial as well; all an all, being able to connect with others or being in discussion with others will help. God will show you where you need to be, so don't feel like you have to check out every single bible study! What matters is that the groups are teaching from the Word of God, but that you are able to connect with others. 


If you can't make every meeting, that's also fine too. There will be times where you will need to study or go to work, but by joining a group it will hopefully allow you to be motivated to be reading the Bible and talk with others. 

Find a Church To Attend on Campus

Finding a church near you can also help to get connected; on college campus, most churches will have events or ways to stay connected. While there will be many different churches to attend and based on one's beliefs or denominations, it can still help to take those steps. As a freshman in college, I was going to Saint Mary's Student Perish on the University of Michigan campus. As I started attending Bible Study more and being connected with my friends, I went to Ann Arbor Baptist Church, then later when I returned home for the summer I was going back to one of my old churches, Dixie Baptist Church. Personally, I found the Baptist Church to be beneficial for me; the pastor gives a sermon that is based on the Word of God. While other churches may have more reverence or tradition, I found that the Baptist church allowed me to apply the Word of God in my life and understand the Bible (and I have grown up as Christian). I think it helps with wanting to learn more about the Bible, but not sure where to start.


Of course, I am not here to say one denomination is right and another one is wrong. At the end of the day, no church is going to be perfect, because people are in it (we are sinners). What matters is that we have salvation and stay involved in the Word of God and have time of prayer and quiet time with Jesus. He always hears your prayers and will help guide you. Matthew 7:7-8, words of Jesus, says, "Ask, and it will be given to you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." When we are seeking God, He will find us and show us what we need to do and where we need to be. Though we can't see the future and can't have all the answers, it is important to have faith in God that He will handle it. Just as we put faith in everyday things, so we should strive that God will walk with us, giving our worries to Him. 


A church should be teaching from the Word of God and not compromise on it. That doesn't mean closing the door on people; rather the door should be open for all and everyone is welcome. But as human beings, we do have flaws. But being able to talk to others about what is on your mind or something that you take a stand on is important. There are many "truths" in the world. But as the world and society has changed throughout time, so has society. But God does not change. His Word and His character is the same from the past, is the same in the present, and will be the same in the future. 

Make An Effort and Seek Consistency

This may seem easier said than done, but once it is done it is worth it! While there may be different organizations to join and that may be a lot to decide from, look at a few different options, then choose one to attend. Once you find a group that suits you best (perhaps the amount of people in it, the people you meet, or the layout of the Bible study), make an effort to attend. From my personal experience, I tried looking at a few different Bible Studies to attend. When I found Collegians For Christ, the Bible Study I am currently in, I started attending the first few meetings. Eventually, I started getting to know the people in that group better and started talking more with our campus minister in that group. For me, that worked out because the group size was smaller and felt more personal, but this may be different for other people, so take that into consideration! 


Once I knew Collegians For Christ was the group I wanted to be in, that is what stuck with me. I found the group where I belonged and where I needed to be. So don't give up on this! Making a consistent effort will help to make a good group of friends, opening yourself up to the Word of God, and promoting a good well-being. To add on to that, being a part of a Bible Study can help with reducing anxiety, stress, or other worries that may come with being a college student. While it would be easier to say that does not come with college, that is not necessarily the case. But the Bible teaches us about the peace the Lord offers; not the peace of this world, but a peace that will help us in our circumstances and strengthen us, while also trusting in the Lord, having faith in our situations. College could have been different for me had I not joined a Bible Study; but with the friends I have met and having a place where I can go to weekly and talk with others has been a great opportunity for me and for others. In fact, I have found ways to study with my friends in that class, pray with others who may need help, and receive guidance from my friends when I needed them. When I started college, I wanted a place to belong; I asked God to help me navigate my college journey and be with me. Today, I can safely say that God has blessed me with that opportunity and has carried me when I needed someone. I know you can do it too!


Take A Step Forward, Have Faith

While there are Christian Colleges out there that people attend, others may attend a public university, such as myself. Being in both types of colleges are beneficial as a Christian. It allows one the chance to be surrounded by other Christians or have the chance to learn more about Christianity and the faith life. I recommend as Christians to be consistent in the Word. No matter what, the Bible will help guide you and it is all true and without error. 


No matter what college you attend, it is important to take the next steps in faith. Don't be afraid to encourage others to join you in a Bible Study; be willing to pray or read the Bible on campus. Jesus once said, "Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age" (Matthew 28:19-20 CSB). The point I want to emphasize here is that we are called to be disciples and witness. Talking about Jesus and sharing the Word of God with others can be done in many different ways and it should be encouraging. While some may not be as open to it as others, it is still important to have patience and not try to force it upon someone; after all, it is a person's free will to do so. But be encouraging to others, pray for others, and if people have questions, do your best to be prepared for them or help guide them to someone who might be able to answer it for them. God will work in our situations, trust that He has everything under control!


Pray, Find Guidance, Connect

If you do find a Bible Study or decide to join a Bible Study, don't be afraid to ask questions. It is good to ask questions and have an open discussion on a wide variety of topics and talk about the Word of God. There will always be a friend (whether a student, pastor, or another mentor of some sort) that will be able to help. Whether there is a personal struggle or just a question that has been on your mind, be willing to ask! As Christians, let's pray for those who need our help and who have the potential to become believers. If you are new to prayer, spend some time in your room or another quiet/peaceful place, and think about what is on your mind. Concentrate on the things that you are grateful for in your life, then think about what concerns you may have.


If you have questions on salvation, please see the Question Board to learn more! I highly encourage looking into it if you have yet to accept Jesus Christ into your heart! Learn to connect with others who want to help and be your friend; and also learn to connect with God through prayer and quiet time and reading the Bible. Some good books to start reading consist of the Gospels of Luke and John; but the books of Psalms or Proverbs also provide good words of wisdom! 

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